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Metastable inner-shell molecular state : ウィキペディア英語版
Metastable inner-shell molecular state

Metastable Innershell Molecular State (MIMS)〔〔〔 is a class of ultra-high-energy short-lived molecules have the binding energy up to 1,000 times larger and bond length up to 100 times smaller than typical molecules. MIMS is formed by inner-shell electrons that are normally resistant to molecular formation. However, in stellar conditions, the inner-shell electrons become reactive to form molecular structures (MIMS) from combinations of all elements in the periodic table.

MIMS upon dissociation can emit x-ray photons with energies up to 100 keV at extremely high conversion efficiencies from compression energy to photon energy. MIMS is predicted to exist and dominate radiation processes in extreme astrophysical environments, such as large planet cores, star interiors, and black hole and neutron star surroundings. There, MIMS is predicted to enable highly energy-efficient transformation of the stellar compression energy into the radiation energy.
The right schematic illustration shows the proposed four stages of the K-shell MIMS (K-MIMS) formation and x-ray generation process. Stage I: Individual atoms are subjected to the stellar compression and ready for absorbing the compression energy. Stage II: The outer electron shells fuse together under increasing "stellar" pressure. Stage III: At the peak pressure, via pressure ionization K-shell orbits form the K-MIMS, which is vibrationally hot and encapsulated by a Rydberg-like pseudo-L-Shell structure. Stage IV: The K-MIMS cools down by ionizing ("boiling-off") a number of pseudo-L-shell electrons and subsequent optical decay by emitting an x-ray photon. The dissociated atoms return their original atoms states and are ready for absorbing the compression energy.
MIMS also can be readily produced in laboratory and industrial environments, such as hypervelocity particle impact, laser fusion and z-machine. MIMS can be exploited for highly energy-efficient production of high intensity x-ray beams for a wide range of innovative applications, such as photolithography, x-ray lasers, and inertial fusion.

The inner-shell-bound metastable quasimolecules were proposed to exist in the x-ray generating scattering process since the work by Mott in the 1930s.〔 The existence of high energy quasimolecules in highly compressed matter (or strongly coupled plasma) was theoretically predicted in the ab initio quantum calculation by Younger et al. in the late 1980s.〔 In 2008, from the
result obtained by Mueller, Rafelski and Greiner for quasimolecules in atomic collisions at high impact velocity, Winterberg predicted the existence of inner-shell bound metastable keV molecules under high pressure and their use for the ignition of
thermonuclear reactions. Metastable Innsershell Molecular State (MIMS) that is homologous to the rare gas excimers was proposed by Bae in 2008〔 to interpret the mysterious anomalous x-ray signals observed by Bae and his colleagues at Brookhaven National Lab (BNL) in the 1990s. For more details, refer to the last section of this article, "Other models for inner-shell-bound
To search for many-body effects in the highly compressed stellar materials, Bae and his colleagues at BNL generated and studied such materials by impacting various bio and water nanoparticle at hypervelocities (v~100 km/s) on various targets.〔〔 In their study, anomalous signals were discovered, when the nanoparticles were directly impacted on and detected by Si particle detectors that had windows sufficiently thick enough to block the penetration of the nanoparticles completely. By exploiting the discovered anomalous signals, the feasibility of generating highly compressed "stellar" matter at shock pressures on the order of 10 TPa (100 Mbar) with the nanoparticle impact in a non-destructive laboratory setup was proven. However, the nature of the signals and the underlying physics of their generation mechanism had not been understood for 15 years.
It was not until 2008 that Bae was able to unlock the mystery of the anomalous BNL signals owing to emerging sciences of the stellar materials.〔 In the analysis of the BNL signals, Bae discovered〔 that a new class of ultra-high-energy metastable molecules that are bound by inner-shell electrons was responsible for the signals and named the molecules Metastable Innershell Molecular State (MIMS). Further, Bae discovered that the observed energy conversion efficiency via MIMS from the nanoparticle kinetic energy to the radiation energy was as high as 40%, thus proposed that MIMS can enable a new generation of ultra-high efficiency compact x-ray generators.
In 2012, Bae independently confirmed the BNL results with buckyball ions (C60+) impacting on an Al target in an independent tabletop apparatus that is orders of magnitude more compact than that at BNL. The result also demonstrated the potential of scaling up of x-ray generation with nanoparticle impact by exploiting C60+ ions, of which currents can be readily scaled up to an industrial quantity in a tabletop apparatus. Bae also proposed a more elaborated MIMS model that is homologous to rare gas excimer molecules was developed and predicted that all elements in periodic table are subjected to the MIMS formation.〔 Up until then, the observed MIMS was proposed to be formed with L-shell electrons.
In MIMS researches that involve a wide range of x-ray generation phenomena in 2013 - 2014, Bae discovered that the manifestations of MIMS that was formed with K-shell electrons have existed in extensive experimental data in the x-ray generating heavy ion collision process by numerous researchers for several decades. In his papers,〔〔 Bae proposed that the quasimolecule is a manifestation of MIMS during the collisional process, a special circumstance for producing MIMS. After extensive analyses and theoretical modeling of these data, which involve a wide range of elements in the periodic table, a successful integration of the data into the frame of the unified MIMS model was demonstrated. Thereby, the MIMS model was firmly established and confirmed for any combinations of all elements in the periodic table.
Specifically, the extensive analyses〔〔 of the data that relate to hard x-ray generating collisions have resulted in a universal law (Z2–dependency) of the binding energy of the homonucleus MIMS bound by K-shell electrons (K-MIMS). Here Z is the atomic number of the constituent atoms of the K-MIMS. Bae further developed a unified theory to elucidate the Z2-dependent behavior of the homonucleus K-MIMS, which behaves much like the helium excimer molecule: He2
*.〔〔 The MIMS theory also predicted a 1/Z dependency law for the bond length of the homonucleus K-MIMS. Based on the MIMS theory the uranium K-MIMS, for example, is predicted to have a 100 times smaller bond length, a 2,000 times larger binding energy, and a 5,000 times larger characteristic x-ray energy than the He excimer molecule. The predicted bond lengths of the bismuth and uranium K-MIMS are in excellent agreement with that estimated from the experimental results by researchers at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt, Germany

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